You probably didn't want to open this page but you reluctantly opened it. Why? you actually want to criticise the writer just like every Nigerian youth criticises the government all the time for not making them rich, Not providing the basic necessities to not supplying all their amenities to live life to the fullest. They keep accusing the government for not providing everything,  I mean everything when I say so. 
Now lets paint a picture of reality.  In my hood somewhere down town,  the illetrates are actually taken for fools. It's either you're educated or misunderstood out here in my hood. We condemn the street boys because they lack opportunities. But a lot of these boys we call hoodlums have great heart, they have talents within them, they all have the power to reach their full potential and maximize opportunities but the enemy is Pride, inferiority complex and Disloyalty. 

Dating back in time,  We have been indoctrinated to believe in some sort of way that we are inferior and less valued compared to the whites.  This is the reason why a black man wants to wear A PRADA DRESS,  WEAR A  LOUIS VUITTON BELT,  ROCK AN ARMANI TEES OR WEAR A TOM FORD PERFUME/COLOGNE just to feed his Ego and have a validation that he has an affiliation to the whites in some sort of way.  We even go as far as making a trend and trying to oppress our fellow blacks who can't afford these brands created by white people. Haven't you wondered why the whites themselves aren't freaked about these things?  From a deep research, I found out that these labels sell more in Africa than in Europe and it's all psyched in our minds, we are vanity slaves and we just seek validation more than we seek the truth from within us. 

You know what? Our problem isn't the Government. No no no!!!  They aren't the problem. I know they have failed us by not remitting resources to the masses but we fail to realize that the true resource of a great nation isn't the material resources but the goodwill of every citizen. So we didn't pass the test as well hence we both have failed and are guilty,  so blame nobody nor the government or the People. Our problem is "US" I mean every individual. How do we support each other?  How do we show respect to one another in the society. How do we strive to become United and firm as a Nation together.  What do we educate our younger ones? Go to school so you don't end up being a mechanic or work hard so you take the poor off the streets and give them a good life? Or is it To be true to oneself or end up as an educated and misguided youth mimicking white lives in black death chains and yelling  "black lives matter" in these streets? 
I observed a scenario of a white man who walked into a bar and in the midst of people, he was given preferential treatment above others simply because he has a different skin colour and perceived as super superior not because he's a foreigner but superior.  Now you understand where our problem lies. 

It's not the government,  it's not the policies. It has never been the  robbers or killers or the shooters and gunmen because robbery is a forceful act against another man. It's our mode of thinking. Back in time,  We have been thought to believe that the man who wields the gun has absolute power over his fellow man. These are the things we experienced and due to its nature, being SINFUL, it's practically hereditary. We have ultimately learnt to oppress because we were oppressed as slaves. It's a continuum on how we get to live life in a vague manner in today's society. 

Hence, It's just our disrupted mode of thinking(consciousness) keeping us as slaves . How we place judgements,  how we were colonised and the imprisonment of the struggle imposed on us. We don't  actually want to promote oneanother because our belief system has been tampered with.  We have been indoctrinated to be inferior right from the beginning, honestly can't you see it happening right before you?!!! Okay See it this way. " A white man creates a gun to kill the black man,  a black man creates voodoo(juju) to safeguard himself but the world sees the black man as evil and the white man as Good ". 

These modes of thinking is highly viral and contagous In our society. It makes a youth believe in spending beyond his initial means because he thinks he has emancipated himself by getting rich and stacking money whereas it's actually deeper than that.  Its "WIN OR LOSE" in these streets and nobody seems to realise this simple truth floating in the air and staring everyone right in the eye. There are no averages to life.  It's kill or get killed,  win or lose,  succeed or fail.  

Even Christ said if you're not for me,  then you're against me. But instead we fight ourselves and give the glory to the whites who we have idolized for centuries. Can't you see its actually happening right here?  We will rather work for a white man in a white land than create an employment for ourselves and our fellow countrymen in Nigeria. 

Where is our culture?  Does its strife rely on the government spearheaded by outdated ideas or the vibrant youths of today.  Well,  I don't know about anyone else but I've decided to speak for myself.  I stand for an UPRISING OF NIGERIAN YOUTHS!!! choose your own path,  I have chosen mine. 


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